E4E-100 - MVB FC is a two component vapor barrier coating designed to be a faster version of our standard MVB. MVB FC is used as a primer and provides better adhesion.
MVB FC will control moisture vapor emission rates up to 25 lb. /24 hr. /1000 square feet all while providing excellent physical and chemical resistance. This coating meets LEED standards.
Fastcure TDS: https://epoxydepotusa.com/wp-content/plugins/datasheets/documents/TDS/AR-MVB-FC-TDS.pdf
E4E-100 - MVB Ultra Rapid is a two component vapor barrier coating designed to be a faster version
of our standard MVB & our MVB FC. MVB Ultra Rapid is used as a primer as well
as a binder resin for Flake. MVB Ultra Rapid will control moisture vapor emission rates up
to 25 lb. /24 hr. /1000 square feet all while providing excellent physical and chemical
resistance. This coating meets LEED standards.
MVB Ultra TDS: https://epoxydepotusa.com/wp-content/plugins/datasheets/documents/TDS/AR-MVB-Ultra-Rapid-TDS.pdf